Thursday, September 25, 2014

Why we do what we do...

I highly recommend watching TED talks on YouTube or downloading the TED talks APP. If your not aware of TED talks, they are amazing, inspirational videos to watch speakers speak on such powerful subjects that really construct our day-to-day lives.  I recently watched the speech by Tony Robbins- Why we do what we do. It was an amazing video that puts into perspective what our minds really process.  There was one part of the speech that stood out to me and that was the subject of "destiny."  Sure we all hear the word "destiny" used in finding soul mates but he used it in how we have three decisions we are making everyday of our life without ever really processing it. They are..

1. What am I going to focus on?
2.What does it mean?
3.What are you going to do?

No one ever thinks about these things we just do it, but what if we did take the extra time each day to think of these things?  We would have a lot more of a direction on where we might be headed everyday.  There was so much more to this TED talk that I highly recommend you taking a look at to really determine "Why are you doing what your doing."

#destiny #TEDtalks #amazing #motivationmindset 

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