Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Endorphins Make People Happy!

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose. – Dr. Seuss

Endorphins in simpler terms are chemicals in your body that are released when you workout, making your mind happy. I am a huge promoter of physical activity because it not only provides a better outlook on your physical body, but it also transforms your mental state. For example if you say that one of your goals is to lose ten pounds and you ultimately succeed because of the hard work and dedication you put into that goal, it will reflect other goals you may have personally for your career or education goals that you set.  Because you know you can accomplish it, so in turn will be more motivated by other successes (losing ten pounds) to accomplish those goals set. By working out it reflects on your school, work and lifestyle because overall people who take care of their bodies by working out, ultimately have a healthier outlook on life.  They seem to be more motivated and in tuned to what goals they want to accomplish because when they go to the gym, they create a sense of framework of what and how to achieve that fitness goal.  Dont get me wrong I'm not saying that people who don't workout, don't have any motivation towards their goals; however what I am saying is that with the constant framework that working out provides people, carries into their everyday life of motivation.   On top of getting those happy endorphins, you also start to change physically and exude confidence about yourself that others will see.  So the top reasons why you should workout during college according to Youniversitytv.com is...

1. Relieves stress.
2. Feel good.
3. Feel productive.
4. Generate energy.
5. Make the brain stronger.

If you haven't taken any biology classes before, I will inform you that the brain is a muscle and just like our arm or leg muscles it requires constant growth or it will simply stay the same.  So by working out we can gain all of the five reasons stated above while still becoming healthy and motivated in life towards our goals!


#motivationmindset #motivation #exercise #confidence #healthymind #goals #endorphins #happy  #college

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