Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Philosophy for a Happy Life...Sam Berns

"No Matter Your Obstacles, Live a Happy Life." -Sam Berns

If you think that you have a hard life or that you can't accomplish something, Sam Berns is living proof that you can do anything you set your mind to.  He has Progeria, which is a condition that makes his body a lot older than it really is, dying at the age of 17, because literally his body thought it was 90 years old.  He accomplished so many things in his young life from being the lead in his percussion part of his high school marching band, to becoming an Eagle Scout and even talking on the TED talk before he recently died.  He set his mind to a goal and accomplished it, without boundaries and without limits.  While watching this TED talk I was thinking, what if we lived everyday as if we were to die tomorrow? I know this term is widely used in some shape, but really what if we were to live as if we were to die tomorrow? Sam did this because he really knew he was going to die young and wanted to accomplish all of the goals on his list before he did.  He had a powerful mindset and used that to attain everything he did.  If we were to harness this mindset, just think of all the things you could possibly attain. So the philosophies that Sam lived by was three important ones that he valued everyday, and of course the last one he threw in there...

1. Be okay with what you ULTIMATELY can't do, because there is so much you CAN do. 
2. Surround yourself with people you want to be around.
3. Keep moving forward.
4. Never miss a party if you can help it.

I encourage everyone to watch this TED talk because it will truly inspire you to do anything you set your mind to!

#motivationmindset #motivation #TEDtalks #happy #accomplish #goals

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