Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Online Learning

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. ~Bill Gates

Technology is growing rapidly everyday, coming out with new and more complicated systems that we as the modern day citizens must keep up with, to keep our positions in society. The topic of online classes or an online education is something that most colleges have available to students to enroll in. In a previous blog I mentioned for profit schools that are completely based online and what a horrible system they run. Well the online classes that I am talking about are the classes that are online in universities and what a benefit they have provided students with. They allow students with little to no time to complete homework, tests, discussions and other various activities that you would do in a normal class setting except with the convince of doing it online. Personally I am taking two online classes through my community college and I love them. They provide me with ease and convince to either get ahead of work or to just complete it at my own time. On my favorite website they provided a list of "8 Things You Need to Know About Online Education," which provided a great insight to some topics that might help a student decide if online is the way to go. The things you should know is...

1. Online learning is here to stay.

2. There is no significance difference in learning outcomes.

3. Online learning is widespread.

4. There is no single form of online learning.

5. MOOC'S (Massive Open Online Courses...aka For-Profit Schools) are not an example of high quality online learning.

6. Online learning is well suited to adult learners, but not necessarily traditional- aged students.

7. "Institutional" cost savings from going online are less than often acknowledged.

8. Online learning could soon become the norm for “post-traditional” and graduate students who cannot afford the opportunity cost of traditional programs.

With taking into consideration that our society around us is constantly changing with technology we must learn to adapt.  Meaning that when we have kids, most of their education might be online, scary thought to think about! But its true, in order to keep up with everyone around us we have to adapt and learn to learn with technology. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #online #humpday #goals #technology 

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