Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sowing Seeds That Benefit Others

Success is...knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others. ~ John C. Maxwell

I believe that in order to have the mindset to motivation for life, you in some way have to be a leader to others.  Leadership for me is one of the best qualities that someone can have, it shows they are confident in what they are doing and can project an image of what they see to influence others.  Leadership can guide not only others in what you believe, but it will allow yourself to have such a powerful influential feeling knowing that you contributed to something or someone else's end result.  So you may be wondering what are ways that I can become a leader? Well Forbes magazine is one of my favorite websites to visit because it provides such an influential insight on certain issues that can capture your thinking.  They had an article that listed the "10 Qualities That Make a Great Leader" and they were... 

1. Honesty

2. Ability to delegate
3. Communication
4. Sense of humor
5. Confidence 
6. Commitment 
7. Positive attitude
8. Creativity
9. Intuition 
10. Ability to inspire

I think that all of these points are essential in any way to have a positive mind in life.  Inspiring others by leading them is something truly amazing and will help you to develop a mindset that will allow you to lead, ultimately playing a huge part in your own life.  

#mindsetmotivation #sundayfunday #motivation #dailythought #inspire #leadership #lead  #maxwell #quote

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