Monday, November 3, 2014

Reasons to Workout While in College

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. ~Anonymous

I love going to the gym and pushing myself to the point where I feel like my body is going to give up.   Somehow I push through a hard workout and it gives me so much energy knowing that I can push myself like that.  The ending result of feeling good, looking good and getting endorphins is no comparison to any other feeling.  There are according to the American Intercontinental University,  "5 Reason College Students Should Make Time for Exercise" and they are...

1. Exercise stimulates brain cell development.
2. Exercise improves memory retention.
3. Exercise increases focus and concentration.
4. Exercise boosts your mood.
5. Exercise relieves stress.

If you anything like me all of these reasons to workout sound so beneficial, why wouldn't you want to exercise?  Even if it is for thirty minutes, at least your doing a little bit.  Slowly overtime I know the workouts will increase because you will start to not only feel good, but also start noticing a difference in your body.  So don't forget to get those endorphins for the day and stay motivated towards your goals!

#motivationmindset #motivation #exercise #workout #college #goals 

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