Monday, November 3, 2014

Take Women to Places Besides Coffee Shops...

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. ~Proverb

For myself a serious relationship while in college seems like the least important thing for me.  Juggling getting good grades, work, friends and the other daily factors that come into my life, the last thing on my mind is who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.  Now don't get me wrong I don't want to be single my whole life, but right now I'm in a period of my life that is so hectic and crazy that if I were to add in a serious relationship to the mix, it just wouldn't be a good idea.  Yes, Ive had many of relationships that I felt like I was in them because either they were always doing something fun,  our friends were all so close or because I didn't want to feel alone.  Well let me tell you those times of relationships are over.  Now I feel like I am not going to waste my time on any relationship (friendship or romantic) that is not going to bring benefit to my life.  So really for me until I finish college will I start to consider a serious relationship, because I am not in the right mindset to be focused on another person, when I have so many goals I want to achieve right now.  Dont get me wrong though, if someone does come around that I love, then I won't tell him to go away, but if he's the right one he will know what achieving my goals for me mean to myself and support me to attain them.  So in all of this blabbering there was an awesome article "5 Things I Wish I Knew About Relationships While in College" 

1. You don't have to find your spouse.
2. Its okay to find your spouse in college.
3. Be more considerate of your "bad dates."
4. Dont follow someone unless you intend to marry them.
5. Take women to places besides coffee shops.

Yes, some of the points stated go with what I was talking about, but really just don't go looking for someone to fall in love with.  They call it falling in love for a reason, because you fall, you don't expect it.  Enjoy college and everything it has to offer and who knows maybe you'll develop a long lasting relationship.

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #love #relationships #motivationmonday 

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