Tuesday, November 4, 2014

24 Hours is Enough Time in the Day, if You Time Manage it...

Opportunities don't happen, you create them. ~Chris Grosser

For me my alarms, calendar in my phone and the schedule I create for my job, all help me juggle school, work and my social life.  Without either of these entities, I would be lost in what I have to get accomplished and by what time.  I wouldn't be completely lost, but all of these organization systems of time management I have set in place for myself allow for a more constructed time frame.  It helps me know when things need to get done but what time, appointments, meeting or other various factors that may come along in my daily life.  Personally for me the hectic lifestyle I live with not much free time unless planned out specifically works out the best for me.  It makes me honestly appreciate the time I set aside for certain things and value that time, because honestly we do have enough time in the day to accomplish things, its just how we go about doing it that matters.  So the "8 Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students" are...

1. Get and use a calendar.
2. Write down everything!
3. Schedule time to relax.
4. Keep trying new systems.
5. Allow for flexibility.
6. Plan ahead.
7. Plan for the unexpected.
8. Schedule rewards.

All of these points I can definitely relate to because I feel like going to school and work full-time made me realize the importance of time management for further scenarios in my future careers.  It can take awhile for some to develop these skills, but trust me once you get in a good habit of time managing your life, things will become so much more appreciated and valued.  So go get a calendar and finish all those tasks you have set for yourself, because everyone who has become inspirational to some level has all had the same amount of hours in the day as you have today! 

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #timemanagement #values #goals #achievable #24hours 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Take Women to Places Besides Coffee Shops...

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. ~Proverb

For myself a serious relationship while in college seems like the least important thing for me.  Juggling getting good grades, work, friends and the other daily factors that come into my life, the last thing on my mind is who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.  Now don't get me wrong I don't want to be single my whole life, but right now I'm in a period of my life that is so hectic and crazy that if I were to add in a serious relationship to the mix, it just wouldn't be a good idea.  Yes, Ive had many of relationships that I felt like I was in them because either they were always doing something fun,  our friends were all so close or because I didn't want to feel alone.  Well let me tell you those times of relationships are over.  Now I feel like I am not going to waste my time on any relationship (friendship or romantic) that is not going to bring benefit to my life.  So really for me until I finish college will I start to consider a serious relationship, because I am not in the right mindset to be focused on another person, when I have so many goals I want to achieve right now.  Dont get me wrong though, if someone does come around that I love, then I won't tell him to go away, but if he's the right one he will know what achieving my goals for me mean to myself and support me to attain them.  So in all of this blabbering there was an awesome article "5 Things I Wish I Knew About Relationships While in College" 

1. You don't have to find your spouse.
2. Its okay to find your spouse in college.
3. Be more considerate of your "bad dates."
4. Dont follow someone unless you intend to marry them.
5. Take women to places besides coffee shops.

Yes, some of the points stated go with what I was talking about, but really just don't go looking for someone to fall in love with.  They call it falling in love for a reason, because you fall, you don't expect it.  Enjoy college and everything it has to offer and who knows maybe you'll develop a long lasting relationship.

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #love #relationships #motivationmonday 

Reasons to Workout While in College

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. ~Anonymous

I love going to the gym and pushing myself to the point where I feel like my body is going to give up.   Somehow I push through a hard workout and it gives me so much energy knowing that I can push myself like that.  The ending result of feeling good, looking good and getting endorphins is no comparison to any other feeling.  There are according to the American Intercontinental University,  "5 Reason College Students Should Make Time for Exercise" and they are...

1. Exercise stimulates brain cell development.
2. Exercise improves memory retention.
3. Exercise increases focus and concentration.
4. Exercise boosts your mood.
5. Exercise relieves stress.

If you anything like me all of these reasons to workout sound so beneficial, why wouldn't you want to exercise?  Even if it is for thirty minutes, at least your doing a little bit.  Slowly overtime I know the workouts will increase because you will start to not only feel good, but also start noticing a difference in your body.  So don't forget to get those endorphins for the day and stay motivated towards your goals!

#motivationmindset #motivation #exercise #workout #college #goals 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

"11 Reasons Why College Students Need Coffee to Survive"

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. ~Swami Vivekananda

This blog is a little different kind of motivation like most of my other ones, but nonetheless definitely all the points stated are the real struggle of a college student, if you want to admit it or not.  I will admit I am addicted to caffeine, coffee or anything that gives me that extra boost I need at 3 o'clock.  I have early mornings and late nights being a full time college student and a full time job, so whenever I feel a little sluggish I always grab something that will pick me up with caffeine! Which according to the Huffington Post there are "11 Reasons Why College Students Need Coffee to Survive" and they are...

1. First and foremost, because it keeps you awake. And you're somehow always tired.
2. Because it's probably the only time in your life you're going to have the privilege of having a Starbucks coffee truck follow you around campus all day.
3. Because coffee shops are where all your studying and socializing gets done.
4. Because you just keep "forgetting" to go to the gym and the antioxidants in coffee will keep your body healthy.
5. Because it makes procrastinating on that final term paper much more fun.
6. Because you stayed up until 4 am watching "Chopped" re-runs on Food Network and you have class at 8 am.
7. Because it's the only thing that motivates you to do your laundry.
8. Because when you've been living in the library for the past two days, just the smell of coffee will revive you from your zombie state.
9. Because coffee is the best hangover cure after drinking too many PBRs out of red Solo cups.
10. Because you forgot to put sunscreen on when you laid out on the quad, but coffee will help prevent you from getting skin cancer (if you're a girl).
11. Because the only form of organization right now in your life is this daily schedule: 

1.Wake up.
2. Put on clothes
3. Get or make coffee.

I know most college students can relate somehow to this article because its very true.  So, while I sip on my cup of coffee and work on my homework after my nine hour work day, don't forget to drink yours to!

#motivationmindset #motivation #coffee #thestruggleisreal #college #surviving 

Halloween Fun Facts!!

 Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer

Halloween is a time of the year you can dress up and be someone your not for one day.  Its a time for candy, parties and fun times with friends! So heres some fun facts of Halloween that I thought was pretty cool...

  • $7 Billion is spent on Halloween
  • Most popular costume is a witch
  • 68.5% of people celebrate Halloween
  • $72 was spent by consumers, just on costumes
  • 11.5% of people dress up their pets!
Just some fun facts of Halloween, so have a great night and be safe. Eats lots of candy :) 

#motivationmindset #motivation #happyhalloween #trickortreat #funfacts #candy

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Connections are Essential

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The people you surround yourself with show your character and the way you want other people to view you as.  The connections you create with people, whether it be in personal relationships, business aspects, school or even family connections are what shows you and others what you value the most. Creating meaningful connections with others is an essential key component that most everyone should develop in life.  It can give you advantages in potential opportunities you might reach or even develop yourself, to exude what others around you are doing, good or bad. On Inc.com they had an article that specifically addressed the way to help people make connections within a business setting titled, "8 Tricks to Make Connections That Will Pay Off" and those tricks are...

1. Figure out who matters the most.
2. Pick your next tier.
3. Find easy ways to engage with everyone else.
4. If you want to connect with someone, find a way to help them.
5. Be intriguing.
6. Think people, not positions.
7. Give before you ask.
8. Be generous.

What I am trying to get across is, that if you truly want to gain the full potential you can reach within yourself, you will learn to engage and make those essential connections with people you may not even know is important. You may not know the opportunity that awaits until it is introduced in your life, so go searching and don't give up on making those important connections!

#motivationmindset #motivation #connections #business #successful #potential 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Demonstrating Integrity, People Will Soon Notice!!

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~Audre Lorde

Integrity defined in the Webster's dictionary is "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."  I believe that this is a true characteristic in life that will make you stand out from the crowd and accomplish goals for yourself.  Having this characteristic doesnt mean your better than anyone, by no means, but what it does mean is that you hold yourself to a higher standard that you can succeed at anything you set your mind to. In addition to integrity comes other characteristics that people who are motivated towards their goals will most likely have, extruding those onto other, motivating them, helping them as well. I found an article that listed really great characteristics that everyone should develop and the article was titled "10 Characteristics Traits Worth Devolping" and the traits are..

1. Be honest.
2. Demonstrate integrity
3. Keep promises
4. Be loyal
5. Be responsible
6. Pursue excellence 
7. Be kind and caring 
8. Treat all people with respect 
9. Be fair
10. Be a good citizen

I am not saying by any means that you have to develop all of these characteristics, but what I am saying is that most of us have these characteristics we just need a little reminder that there in ourselves.  So pursue excellence and strive to demonstrate integrity, people will notice. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #integrity #beanexample #positivity #goals #excellence