Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Demonstrating Integrity, People Will Soon Notice!!

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~Audre Lorde

Integrity defined in the Webster's dictionary is "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."  I believe that this is a true characteristic in life that will make you stand out from the crowd and accomplish goals for yourself.  Having this characteristic doesnt mean your better than anyone, by no means, but what it does mean is that you hold yourself to a higher standard that you can succeed at anything you set your mind to. In addition to integrity comes other characteristics that people who are motivated towards their goals will most likely have, extruding those onto other, motivating them, helping them as well. I found an article that listed really great characteristics that everyone should develop and the article was titled "10 Characteristics Traits Worth Devolping" and the traits are..

1. Be honest.
2. Demonstrate integrity
3. Keep promises
4. Be loyal
5. Be responsible
6. Pursue excellence 
7. Be kind and caring 
8. Treat all people with respect 
9. Be fair
10. Be a good citizen

I am not saying by any means that you have to develop all of these characteristics, but what I am saying is that most of us have these characteristics we just need a little reminder that there in ourselves.  So pursue excellence and strive to demonstrate integrity, people will notice. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #integrity #beanexample #positivity #goals #excellence 

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