Monday, September 29, 2014

The Twenties is a Struggle!

Change is not a threat, it's an opportunity. Survival is not the goals, transformative success is.  -Seth Godin

I am a twenty year old and as much as I think I have my life under control and figured out, everyday I come to realize that I don't have it all figured out.   I do have goals that I set for myself for the future that I want to reach, but I read an article on my friends Facebook page that mentioned "11 Life Hacks for the Emotionally Struggling 20-Something."  It opened my eyes that I am going though the same problems as described in the article.  I try very hard to excel in everything I do however after reading this article I have come to realize that I do struggle and sometimes I need to sit back and look at life.  These are the 11 Life Hacks that us 20-somethings have to overcome everyday. 
  1. You will not feel better tomorrow if you don't figure out whats wrong today.
  2. Its difficult to say goodbye in the digital age.
  3. You have to not only infuse your life with the little things that will make you enjoy your day, but also learn to free yourself from your thoughts that keep you in confines from enjoying said things.
  4. Your life won't change in a day.  Mindfully incorporate "healthy" practices into your life until they become a routine.
  5. Re-teach yourself how to feel.  You're often too molded by your past experiences to go forth in the best way possible.
  6. When you reach the point that you can appreciate the wonder in every one of your feelings, you will start realizing that there is more to life than just "happiness."
  7. I think that when people say "be grateful" and "appreciate" what you have" they are entirely neglecting the fact that doing so is incredibly difficult when you're not in the mindset that appreciates anything whatsoever.
  8. Vulnerability may be the most underestimated human experience.
  9. Although people's opinions shouldn't matter, they do, and may always.
  10. Know that this path will not be easy. Nothing worthwhile, genuinely changing or in the human experience ever is.
  11. Sometimes you will be overcome with emotion. 
I think after reading this article it made me recognize that I need to take all of these 11 statements into consideration and realize that my mindset is something that can help myself overcome all of these struggles.  I have the motivation to make my twenties the best years of my life, because they don't call it the roaring twenties for nothing!!

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