Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Growth Mindset

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. – Donald Trump
Growth vs. fixed mindset is something that is very important to realize the difference between the two.  Growth mindset, as the one pictured below shows that people with that mindset "Leads to a desire to learn," whereas the fixed mindset "Leads to a desire to look smart."  The growth mindset accepts failures, which are a huge part of life, while the fixed mindset doesn't accept failure and looks at situations like they can't be changed no matter what.  I think it is very important that everyone stays in a growth mindset because if not, how will we ever grow and learn new things?  I always push myself to learn something new everyday, yes I am in school so obviously I will learn something new, but I push myself to understand a new concept, incorporating it in my life for the future.  Without having an understanding that its okay to fail sometimes, people can become way to hard on themselves over any little incident that happens, that doesn't go the way they plan it to.  However if your in the growth mindset you will understand that not everything can be perfect.  Growing and learning off of the mistakes and lessons you learned is life.  Its like a flower, in order to reach the sun for light you have to grow.  I encourage everyone to push themselves to have a mindset that will allow you to grow, reach the sun and take hold of the lessons you learn, you never know what you could encounter!

#motivationmindset #motivation #growth #goals #pushyourself 

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