Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Have You Started to Save for Retirement?

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up for a life you don't need to escape from. -Seth Godin

Okay I know that this is a really odd question for me to ask even myself.  I am only twenty years old, of course I haven't started saving for retirement, I'm just trying to save for my next vacation with my friends.  However, I did read an article the other day and it said that "if you put away $3,000 for 10 years from the age of 25-35, then stopped after 35, by the time you reached the age of 65, you would have $472,000(8%annual return rate).  But if you didn't start saving until the age of 35, you would have to keep saving $3,000 a year until 65, you would still only end up with $367,000(8%annual return rate)."  WOW, is my first thought! I want to have enough money by the time I retire to do the things I want and enjoy myself after all my hard years of working.  I know this is a far out concept, but if you start thinking about the future now, you won't have to stress about it later when it sneaks up on you.  For me I definitely want to have a career and lifestyle that will allow me to be able to save money for not only the things in life that I work hard to get, but for my future family not having to worry about the struggle.

#motivationmindset #motivation #retirement #college #workhard #humpday 

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