Sunday, September 28, 2014

Five Reasons Motivation is Important

Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly.  Taste the relish to be found in competition- in having put forth the best within you. -Henry J. Kaiser

So as I am diving deep into the subject matter of motivation for students, parents, employees, managers, the list goes on I find myself asking, why is motivation so important? I found an article that literally explains the five top reasons motivation is important.

                                                      1. Motivation is the spark.
                                                      2. Motivation fuels.
                                                      3. Motivation warms.
                                                      4. Motivation can change.
                                                      5. Motivation satisfies.

It makes myself wonder all of these questions.  What is my spark? What fuels me to be motivated everyday? What keeps the fire under my butt? What are my goals that have changed due to my motivation? What is the thing that makes me satisfied with where I am going with my goals? I will answer the questions for me personally, but as I am writing out what motivates me, I encourage you to do the same thing when you are done reading this.

1. My spark is to attain a career that drives me to be the best everyday, shaping peoples lives I touch all around me.  Also knowing that I have my friends and family strongly behind me.
2. The fuel that drives me everyday is that I am happy with how far I have come so far and there is only growth ahead of me.
3. The fire under my butt is the people who think I work to much.  Proving to them that behind all my hard work is an underlying burst of success that will ignite soon enough. 
4. The goals that have changed for me due to my motivation is the experience I have had of accomplishing goals that I set for myself, that seemed unattainable but reaching them proved to me that I can attain anything I set my mind to, making my goals that much higher and my motivation that much bigger.
5. The big part of my satisfaction comes from where I was to where I am now, only knowing that I will go higher with my goals and all thats left for me to do is grow with time.  

I hope that you take the time to write out what motivates you.  It really is something that can either make you make changes in your thought process or continue on to the path that you have set for yourself to achieve great things!

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