Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Motivation Starts with YOU!

So, my first blog post will be about introducing myself and what my purpose is for this blog.  My name is Taylor Howell and I am the Director of Operations at the Chick-fil-A store I work at.  I live in California and am dedicated towards my goals for my future.  I want to continue on the business path that Chick-fil-A has allowed me to experience for example, traveling to help new operators and team members open the store, becoming certified trained by the corporate employees and being able to experience at the store I work at the difficulties and opportunities that can arise when you own your own franchised business.  The operator of the store I work at is an amazing person to be around because he projects such great positively around the team members and conducts business in such a way that all you can do is be amazed.  I have so many people in my life that give me inspiration and positivity throughout my growing process through my career.  My grandma is probably the person I look up to the most.  She is so successful in everything she does not only in the business aspect but in her daily life.  I hope one day I can be just like her.  Surrounding yourself with people who are not only positive but have the same mindset of motivation that is needed to stand out in everyday life is so important.  Because once you are surrounded by people who don't have any drive or make bad decisions, is when you are brought down to the level of  no motivation and complacent with life.  I am so excited to be able to start this blog and share with everyone the key to success is the mindset you set for yourself.  And that is the mindset of motivation!

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