Saturday, September 27, 2014

Myers- Briggs Indicator Test

Does a personality test really work when determining what your character really is? The Myers-Brigg test is a test that determines overall how you react and how you make decisions in everyday life.  It has 16 different outcomes to indicating what your "rational" and "irrational" thought process goes through.  The four different categories that it basis it on is being and extrovert/ introvert, sensing/ intuition, thinking/ feeling, judging/ perception.  So I took the test which was about 75 questions that were either "yes" or "no" based.  Seemed pretty easy until I got the results back and then it was when I really thought about what the final outcome really meant to my thought process.  

I will share that I got scored at a "ENTJ" (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging).  I looked up online what my results really meant because I was so fascinated by what it meant.  It in simpler terms put me categorized as a "commander" according to  Which I think does describe me very well, I love to have a presence in everything I do and by allowing myself to know that most of my decisions seem like they don't hold predisposition thoughts by others, encourages me that I am doing what I am doing by my own thought process.  Other ones were "the healer, the visionary, the performer, the provider" and 12 other types that people could be based off of.  

I highly recommend you taking the test to develop a sense of what your "rational" and "irrational" thought process is.  It can help you understand the mindset that compels you to be motivated in everyday life.  Here's the website where I took the short 5 minute test! 

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