Monday, October 6, 2014

10 Reasons Why College is Important

For all of its faults, it gives most hardworking people a chance to improve themselves economically, even as the deck is stacked in favor of the privileged few. Here are the choices most of us face in such a system: Get bitter or get busy. – Bill O’ Reilly

College in todays society is almost a must in any job you want to grow into a career with.  According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 59%, of college students actually end up graduating with a bachelors degree. This is so shocking to me because we place such a strong emphasis on attaining a higher education, yet this number of students who actually succeed in college is very low.  I personally think that a lot of the problem has to do with lack of motivation to accomplish the degree and the overwhelming debt most college students acquire in four years.  Most students become discouraged, dropping out and settling for a job that they are comfortable with, not pushing themselves on an everyday basis.  So I looked up some reasons to keep motivated and continue to attain that bachelors or masters degree.  The "10 Reasons why College is Important" are...

1. Learning how to learn.
2. Dealing with adversity.
3. Better earning potential.
4. Increased chances of advancement.
5. Learn skills before employment.
6. Life experience.
7. Secure future opportunities.
8. Personal satisfaction. 
9. Feeling a sense of power.
10. Change the world!!

Okay so don't get me wrong the last reason is a little out there, however if you have the mindset that you can conquer the world, you can! I believe that all of these reasons are in addition to your lifestyle goals that you have everyday, adding to the constant drive of motivation to conquer the world!

#motivationmindset #motivationmonday #education #college #drive #goals

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