Friday, October 24, 2014

How to Pick a College Major

Lately I've been having a bit of a struggle on what major I should obtain while in college.  I have a direction on where I want to go, but the major I have been aiming at isn't the right one that I'm supposed to have for the career I want. (Which in case anyone was wondering it's becoming a corporate employee within Chick-fil-A) I don't really know what I should be doing, so whenever I have question I always do my research and ask my closest friends for their opinions.  Most of them said that I should continue with the degree I set out for (double major of sociology and economics), but I have so much reservations because what if I apply for the position at corporate and they deny me for my degree I have.  It would be a huge disappointment if I were to go to college, striving for this position and not get it.  However I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason.  I know that the path that I am on is one that I am supposed to follow, the only thing that I am truly afraid of is the wrong decision.  So with everyones thoughts and opinions on what I should do, I decided to stick with my plan and whatever happens is supposed to happen for a reason.  So what makes me choose my degree plan is because it makes me happy and allows me to interact with others, impacting their lives.  With this thought also comes with the "5 Ways to Pick the Right College Major"....

1.  Wait until college
2.  But don't wait to long
3. Curiosity won't kill you
4. Make sure its your passion
5. Be aware of the expectations to the rules that your major follows

I think that without a doubt choosing a major to follow while in college is the first huge decision most people will face, for some its easy, for others its hard.  Take it with a grain of salt, because what makes you happy is what you should strive for.  There is a deeper purpose to where and what your purpose in life is supposed to be.  Once you find that thing that makes you happy, you can put your mindset to that goal and go full speed ahead! One thing I realized today was, I am going to do what makes me happy and if the career that I have in mind works out, then thats perfect, if not then thats fine to.  Overall I know my life has a greater meaning to everyone around me and I am ready to fulfill those goals I have for myself with the major I have chosen.

#motivationmindset #tgif #college #career #goals #happy #motivation #dreams 

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