Sunday, October 12, 2014

For-Profit Schools...

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

My sociology teacher recently gave us an assignment where we watched a video on for-profit school and let me tell you, I was shocked with what I watched.  I have had personal experience with for-profit school myself like, the University of Phoenix and Grand Canyon University, but never did I think that the schools went to the extent that this movie portrayed.  It was a horrible thing to watch because students in the movie would be lured into these for-profit schools trying to attain a degree, yet they would come out with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands dollars worth of debt, to find out essentially their degree is worthless to most.  So after watching this movie I did some research and I found out that the average debt a for-profit student has after graduation is $40,000 according to the Institute for College Access and Success.  As compared to  $29,000 that the statistics showed for University graduates.  Also according to the College Boards Trends in College Pricing found that tuition was on average at a cost of $15,130 for the for-profit schools, $3,264 for community college and $8,893 for Universities.  This doesn't make sense to me because these for-profit schools are supposed to offer a fast and cost effective way to obtain a degree.  The rest of the article showed the 3 Facts for Students to Know About For-Profit Schools and they are as followed...

1. For-profits are expensive.
2. For-profits graduates often find an even harder time attaining a job after graduates, than that of normal University graduates.
3. For-profit students borrows default on their loans at higher rates.

This is literally the tip of the ice berg when it comes to the for-profit schools scheme to make an obvious "profit" and scam students.  So my advice is always do your research before you make and hasty decisions regrading your education future and you will end up on the right path. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #forprofitschools #college #success #debtcrisis 

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