Saturday, October 11, 2014

How Will You Be Remembered?

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. – Gary Vaynerchuck

Ambition is just like motivation it drives us to accomplish our goals.  We can't just think that without hard work things in life will appear at our doorstep.  We have to have ambition and not just luck or talent to give us everything we want to attain.  Working hard for the career, college or even car we want, requires hard work that won't come easy.  Their will be days that we think that we just can't take anymore and want to give up.  So as  I was reading articles, I found this article about Ambition is More Important Than Talent and in the article there was some questions that really made me think about my life and ambition. They were..

1. What are you willing to give up to accomplish it? 
2. How many hours a day, how many days a week, how many missed vacations missed and unattended parties are you willing to give? 
3. Where do you see yourself?
As a full time student and full time worker, I often don't have extra time for anything and if I do, it has to be meticulously times out.  So when these questions were raised I really started to question my ambition.  Yes, I know I have motivation but these ambition questions seemed so much more in depth relating towards my personal life.  I answered these questions myself and I encourage you to do so as well, you might be surprised what you really find out about your ambition within yourself. How will you be remembered? 

#motivationmindset #motivation #ambition #goals #hardwork 

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