Tuesday, November 4, 2014

24 Hours is Enough Time in the Day, if You Time Manage it...

Opportunities don't happen, you create them. ~Chris Grosser

For me my alarms, calendar in my phone and the schedule I create for my job, all help me juggle school, work and my social life.  Without either of these entities, I would be lost in what I have to get accomplished and by what time.  I wouldn't be completely lost, but all of these organization systems of time management I have set in place for myself allow for a more constructed time frame.  It helps me know when things need to get done but what time, appointments, meeting or other various factors that may come along in my daily life.  Personally for me the hectic lifestyle I live with not much free time unless planned out specifically works out the best for me.  It makes me honestly appreciate the time I set aside for certain things and value that time, because honestly we do have enough time in the day to accomplish things, its just how we go about doing it that matters.  So the "8 Steps for Strong Time Management for College Students" are...

1. Get and use a calendar.
2. Write down everything!
3. Schedule time to relax.
4. Keep trying new systems.
5. Allow for flexibility.
6. Plan ahead.
7. Plan for the unexpected.
8. Schedule rewards.

All of these points I can definitely relate to because I feel like going to school and work full-time made me realize the importance of time management for further scenarios in my future careers.  It can take awhile for some to develop these skills, but trust me once you get in a good habit of time managing your life, things will become so much more appreciated and valued.  So go get a calendar and finish all those tasks you have set for yourself, because everyone who has become inspirational to some level has all had the same amount of hours in the day as you have today! 

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #timemanagement #values #goals #achievable #24hours 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Take Women to Places Besides Coffee Shops...

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. ~Proverb

For myself a serious relationship while in college seems like the least important thing for me.  Juggling getting good grades, work, friends and the other daily factors that come into my life, the last thing on my mind is who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with.  Now don't get me wrong I don't want to be single my whole life, but right now I'm in a period of my life that is so hectic and crazy that if I were to add in a serious relationship to the mix, it just wouldn't be a good idea.  Yes, Ive had many of relationships that I felt like I was in them because either they were always doing something fun,  our friends were all so close or because I didn't want to feel alone.  Well let me tell you those times of relationships are over.  Now I feel like I am not going to waste my time on any relationship (friendship or romantic) that is not going to bring benefit to my life.  So really for me until I finish college will I start to consider a serious relationship, because I am not in the right mindset to be focused on another person, when I have so many goals I want to achieve right now.  Dont get me wrong though, if someone does come around that I love, then I won't tell him to go away, but if he's the right one he will know what achieving my goals for me mean to myself and support me to attain them.  So in all of this blabbering there was an awesome article "5 Things I Wish I Knew About Relationships While in College" 

1. You don't have to find your spouse.
2. Its okay to find your spouse in college.
3. Be more considerate of your "bad dates."
4. Dont follow someone unless you intend to marry them.
5. Take women to places besides coffee shops.

Yes, some of the points stated go with what I was talking about, but really just don't go looking for someone to fall in love with.  They call it falling in love for a reason, because you fall, you don't expect it.  Enjoy college and everything it has to offer and who knows maybe you'll develop a long lasting relationship.

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #love #relationships #motivationmonday 

Reasons to Workout While in College

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. ~Anonymous

I love going to the gym and pushing myself to the point where I feel like my body is going to give up.   Somehow I push through a hard workout and it gives me so much energy knowing that I can push myself like that.  The ending result of feeling good, looking good and getting endorphins is no comparison to any other feeling.  There are according to the American Intercontinental University,  "5 Reason College Students Should Make Time for Exercise" and they are...

1. Exercise stimulates brain cell development.
2. Exercise improves memory retention.
3. Exercise increases focus and concentration.
4. Exercise boosts your mood.
5. Exercise relieves stress.

If you anything like me all of these reasons to workout sound so beneficial, why wouldn't you want to exercise?  Even if it is for thirty minutes, at least your doing a little bit.  Slowly overtime I know the workouts will increase because you will start to not only feel good, but also start noticing a difference in your body.  So don't forget to get those endorphins for the day and stay motivated towards your goals!

#motivationmindset #motivation #exercise #workout #college #goals 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

"11 Reasons Why College Students Need Coffee to Survive"

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. ~Swami Vivekananda

This blog is a little different kind of motivation like most of my other ones, but nonetheless definitely all the points stated are the real struggle of a college student, if you want to admit it or not.  I will admit I am addicted to caffeine, coffee or anything that gives me that extra boost I need at 3 o'clock.  I have early mornings and late nights being a full time college student and a full time job, so whenever I feel a little sluggish I always grab something that will pick me up with caffeine! Which according to the Huffington Post there are "11 Reasons Why College Students Need Coffee to Survive" and they are...

1. First and foremost, because it keeps you awake. And you're somehow always tired.
2. Because it's probably the only time in your life you're going to have the privilege of having a Starbucks coffee truck follow you around campus all day.
3. Because coffee shops are where all your studying and socializing gets done.
4. Because you just keep "forgetting" to go to the gym and the antioxidants in coffee will keep your body healthy.
5. Because it makes procrastinating on that final term paper much more fun.
6. Because you stayed up until 4 am watching "Chopped" re-runs on Food Network and you have class at 8 am.
7. Because it's the only thing that motivates you to do your laundry.
8. Because when you've been living in the library for the past two days, just the smell of coffee will revive you from your zombie state.
9. Because coffee is the best hangover cure after drinking too many PBRs out of red Solo cups.
10. Because you forgot to put sunscreen on when you laid out on the quad, but coffee will help prevent you from getting skin cancer (if you're a girl).
11. Because the only form of organization right now in your life is this daily schedule: 

1.Wake up.
2. Put on clothes
3. Get or make coffee.

I know most college students can relate somehow to this article because its very true.  So, while I sip on my cup of coffee and work on my homework after my nine hour work day, don't forget to drink yours to!

#motivationmindset #motivation #coffee #thestruggleisreal #college #surviving 

Halloween Fun Facts!!

 Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer

Halloween is a time of the year you can dress up and be someone your not for one day.  Its a time for candy, parties and fun times with friends! So heres some fun facts of Halloween that I thought was pretty cool...

  • $7 Billion is spent on Halloween
  • Most popular costume is a witch
  • 68.5% of people celebrate Halloween
  • $72 was spent by consumers, just on costumes
  • 11.5% of people dress up their pets!
Just some fun facts of Halloween, so have a great night and be safe. Eats lots of candy :) 

#motivationmindset #motivation #happyhalloween #trickortreat #funfacts #candy

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Connections are Essential

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The people you surround yourself with show your character and the way you want other people to view you as.  The connections you create with people, whether it be in personal relationships, business aspects, school or even family connections are what shows you and others what you value the most. Creating meaningful connections with others is an essential key component that most everyone should develop in life.  It can give you advantages in potential opportunities you might reach or even develop yourself, to exude what others around you are doing, good or bad. On Inc.com they had an article that specifically addressed the way to help people make connections within a business setting titled, "8 Tricks to Make Connections That Will Pay Off" and those tricks are...

1. Figure out who matters the most.
2. Pick your next tier.
3. Find easy ways to engage with everyone else.
4. If you want to connect with someone, find a way to help them.
5. Be intriguing.
6. Think people, not positions.
7. Give before you ask.
8. Be generous.

What I am trying to get across is, that if you truly want to gain the full potential you can reach within yourself, you will learn to engage and make those essential connections with people you may not even know is important. You may not know the opportunity that awaits until it is introduced in your life, so go searching and don't give up on making those important connections!

#motivationmindset #motivation #connections #business #successful #potential 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Demonstrating Integrity, People Will Soon Notice!!

When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~Audre Lorde

Integrity defined in the Webster's dictionary is "the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."  I believe that this is a true characteristic in life that will make you stand out from the crowd and accomplish goals for yourself.  Having this characteristic doesnt mean your better than anyone, by no means, but what it does mean is that you hold yourself to a higher standard that you can succeed at anything you set your mind to. In addition to integrity comes other characteristics that people who are motivated towards their goals will most likely have, extruding those onto other, motivating them, helping them as well. I found an article that listed really great characteristics that everyone should develop and the article was titled "10 Characteristics Traits Worth Devolping" and the traits are..

1. Be honest.
2. Demonstrate integrity
3. Keep promises
4. Be loyal
5. Be responsible
6. Pursue excellence 
7. Be kind and caring 
8. Treat all people with respect 
9. Be fair
10. Be a good citizen

I am not saying by any means that you have to develop all of these characteristics, but what I am saying is that most of us have these characteristics we just need a little reminder that there in ourselves.  So pursue excellence and strive to demonstrate integrity, people will notice. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #integrity #beanexample #positivity #goals #excellence 

Online Learning

As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. ~Bill Gates

Technology is growing rapidly everyday, coming out with new and more complicated systems that we as the modern day citizens must keep up with, to keep our positions in society. The topic of online classes or an online education is something that most colleges have available to students to enroll in. In a previous blog I mentioned for profit schools that are completely based online and what a horrible system they run. Well the online classes that I am talking about are the classes that are online in universities and what a benefit they have provided students with. They allow students with little to no time to complete homework, tests, discussions and other various activities that you would do in a normal class setting except with the convince of doing it online. Personally I am taking two online classes through my community college and I love them. They provide me with ease and convince to either get ahead of work or to just complete it at my own time. On my favorite website Forbes.com they provided a list of "8 Things You Need to Know About Online Education," which provided a great insight to some topics that might help a student decide if online is the way to go. The things you should know is...

1. Online learning is here to stay.

2. There is no significance difference in learning outcomes.

3. Online learning is widespread.

4. There is no single form of online learning.

5. MOOC'S (Massive Open Online Courses...aka For-Profit Schools) are not an example of high quality online learning.

6. Online learning is well suited to adult learners, but not necessarily traditional- aged students.

7. "Institutional" cost savings from going online are less than often acknowledged.

8. Online learning could soon become the norm for “post-traditional” and graduate students who cannot afford the opportunity cost of traditional programs.

With taking into consideration that our society around us is constantly changing with technology we must learn to adapt.  Meaning that when we have kids, most of their education might be online, scary thought to think about! But its true, in order to keep up with everyone around us we have to adapt and learn to learn with technology. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #online #humpday #goals #technology 

Monday, October 27, 2014

How to Beat the Mid-Semester Blues!!

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly. ~Proverb

If your anything like me, you'll know what I mean when I say, I am going through those mid-semester blues BIG time.  I am so close to transferring that this semesters seems to be dragging on.  Yes I am still dedicated and motivated in my classes to do well, but I still have that lack of true drive that I have had in the years prior.  So I've decided to look up some ways to specifically conquer my mid-semester road block...

1. Reward yourself (even in little accomplishments you achieve)
2. Practice time management
3. Don't sacrifice your health
4. Take time to relax, don't feel guilty about doing it either
5. Take a step back and breathe!

With these simple tips, I know that I personally can overcome my thoughts of that midway mark, make it the best year and continue with my mindset towards motivation.  Goals are something that I strive for and seeing all of my hard work pay off is another way I will continue to do what I am doing!

#mindsetmotivation #motivationmonday #college #blues #midterms #achieve #goals 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Accepting Challenges...Bring it ON!!!

To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like. ~Mike Gafka

We have all faced a challenge before that we thought we could never overcome.  Well if you take a look at where you are now, you have overcome that challenge and rose above.  We often question how we did that by looking back and questioning ourselves how.  But if we can recognize at the time when we think we have a challenging struggle we can use "Six Tips for Overcoming Any Obstacle in Life." We can...

1. Stay focused on the positives and not the negatives.
2. Dont ever give up!
3. Challenge yourself and try new things everyday.
4. Each day you should ask yourself if your happy.
5. Smile :)
6. Don't compare yourself to others and find time to celebrate your little accomplishments.

With these tips, you can fully harness a challenging time, by fully comprehending it and learn to grow from what you go through.  Remember that, yes there will challenging times, but thats what separates the best from the average... Is the persistence and motivation to accomplish our goals we have set!

#motivationmindset #motivation #challenges #college #smile #persistence  

Sowing Seeds That Benefit Others

Success is...knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others. ~ John C. Maxwell

I believe that in order to have the mindset to motivation for life, you in some way have to be a leader to others.  Leadership for me is one of the best qualities that someone can have, it shows they are confident in what they are doing and can project an image of what they see to influence others.  Leadership can guide not only others in what you believe, but it will allow yourself to have such a powerful influential feeling knowing that you contributed to something or someone else's end result.  So you may be wondering what are ways that I can become a leader? Well Forbes magazine is one of my favorite websites to visit because it provides such an influential insight on certain issues that can capture your thinking.  They had an article that listed the "10 Qualities That Make a Great Leader" and they were... 

1. Honesty

2. Ability to delegate
3. Communication
4. Sense of humor
5. Confidence 
6. Commitment 
7. Positive attitude
8. Creativity
9. Intuition 
10. Ability to inspire

I think that all of these points are essential in any way to have a positive mind in life.  Inspiring others by leading them is something truly amazing and will help you to develop a mindset that will allow you to lead, ultimately playing a huge part in your own life.  

#mindsetmotivation #sundayfunday #motivation #dailythought #inspire #leadership #lead  #maxwell #quote

Friday, October 24, 2014

How to Pick a College Major

Lately I've been having a bit of a struggle on what major I should obtain while in college.  I have a direction on where I want to go, but the major I have been aiming at isn't the right one that I'm supposed to have for the career I want. (Which in case anyone was wondering it's becoming a corporate employee within Chick-fil-A) I don't really know what I should be doing, so whenever I have question I always do my research and ask my closest friends for their opinions.  Most of them said that I should continue with the degree I set out for (double major of sociology and economics), but I have so much reservations because what if I apply for the position at corporate and they deny me for my degree I have.  It would be a huge disappointment if I were to go to college, striving for this position and not get it.  However I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason.  I know that the path that I am on is one that I am supposed to follow, the only thing that I am truly afraid of is the wrong decision.  So with everyones thoughts and opinions on what I should do, I decided to stick with my plan and whatever happens is supposed to happen for a reason.  So what makes me choose my degree plan is because it makes me happy and allows me to interact with others, impacting their lives.  With this thought also comes with the "5 Ways to Pick the Right College Major"....

1.  Wait until college
2.  But don't wait to long
3. Curiosity won't kill you
4. Make sure its your passion
5. Be aware of the expectations to the rules that your major follows

I think that without a doubt choosing a major to follow while in college is the first huge decision most people will face, for some its easy, for others its hard.  Take it with a grain of salt, because what makes you happy is what you should strive for.  There is a deeper purpose to where and what your purpose in life is supposed to be.  Once you find that thing that makes you happy, you can put your mindset to that goal and go full speed ahead! One thing I realized today was, I am going to do what makes me happy and if the career that I have in mind works out, then thats perfect, if not then thats fine to.  Overall I know my life has a greater meaning to everyone around me and I am ready to fulfill those goals I have for myself with the major I have chosen.

#motivationmindset #tgif #college #career #goals #happy #motivation #dreams 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Philosophy for a Happy Life...Sam Berns

"No Matter Your Obstacles, Live a Happy Life." -Sam Berns

If you think that you have a hard life or that you can't accomplish something, Sam Berns is living proof that you can do anything you set your mind to.  He has Progeria, which is a condition that makes his body a lot older than it really is, dying at the age of 17, because literally his body thought it was 90 years old.  He accomplished so many things in his young life from being the lead in his percussion part of his high school marching band, to becoming an Eagle Scout and even talking on the TED talk before he recently died.  He set his mind to a goal and accomplished it, without boundaries and without limits.  While watching this TED talk I was thinking, what if we lived everyday as if we were to die tomorrow? I know this term is widely used in some shape, but really what if we were to live as if we were to die tomorrow? Sam did this because he really knew he was going to die young and wanted to accomplish all of the goals on his list before he did.  He had a powerful mindset and used that to attain everything he did.  If we were to harness this mindset, just think of all the things you could possibly attain. So the philosophies that Sam lived by was three important ones that he valued everyday, and of course the last one he threw in there...

1. Be okay with what you ULTIMATELY can't do, because there is so much you CAN do. 
2. Surround yourself with people you want to be around.
3. Keep moving forward.
4. Never miss a party if you can help it.

I encourage everyone to watch this TED talk because it will truly inspire you to do anything you set your mind to!

#motivationmindset #motivation #TEDtalks #happy #accomplish #goals

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Goals vs. Objectives

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. ~Anonymous

"Goals are changing mindset and direction. Objectives are establishing a series of concrete steps." I think this is a common misconception of two different directions people could be headed in.  For me I have goals and objectives.  Objectives for me change over time because life happens, which means things may not always happen the way you plan out for them to be.  This is where my goals come into play because when my objectives get scattered, I go to my goals I have set and rethink my objectives for a certain situation.  I think both of these can help us achieve where we want to be in a few months, years or even decades.  With these two attainable prospects we can have the mindset to succeed and attain the things we set out for! 



DefinitionSomething which you try to achieveA specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
Time FrameUsually long-term.A series of smaller steps, often along the way to achieving a long-term goal.
MagnitudeTypically involves life changing outcomes, like retiring, buying a home or making a major career change.Usually a near-term target of a larger expected outcome, such as passing a course as part of completing a degree program.
Outcome of immediate actionActions tend to advance progress in a very general sense; there is often awareness that there are several ways to reach a goal, so specific outcomes aren’t necessary.Very specific and measurable, a target is established and victory is declared only when the target is hit.
Purpose of actionA goal if often characterized as a change of direction that will ultimately lead to a desired outcome.Objectives tend to be actions aimed at accomplishing a certain task.
Example“I want to retire by age 50”“In order to reach my goal of retiring at age 50, I need to save $20,000 by the end of this year”
HierarchyGoals tend to control objectives; a change in a goal could eliminate one or more objectives, or add new ones.An objective can modify a goal, but will seldom change it in a fundamental way, even if the objective isn’t reached.

#motivationmindset #motivation #goals #objectives #humpday #workhard #positivity 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"Perseverance Begins With the Right Attitude...an Attitude of Tenacity."

“If you think you have arrived, then you’re in trouble. As soon as you think you no longer need to work to make progress, you’ll begin to lose ground.”- John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell is a well know author, who has great motivational books that will get you hooked! He wrote a book called Beyond Talent, which dives deep into "Eliminating 5 Enemies of Perseverance." Which can help you to push to attain that higher education or job career you want to attain. 

1. Lifestyle of giving up. (Don't give up! Persist!) 
2. A wrong belief that life is easy.
3. A wrong belief that success is a destination.
4. A lack of resiliency. (You can go through the tough times!)
5. A lack of vision.

A huge piece of being motivated is to have perseverance and to get through those tough times.  Realizing these points will help you achieve greatness! I recommend you to read the Beyond Talent, or any book by Maxwell, if you haven't already he's great and can change your thinking.  He changed mine tremendously!

#motivationmindset #motivation #tuesdaytip #perseverance #maxwell #dontgiveup #goals

Monday, October 20, 2014

Self-Motivation- SMILE

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer
According to dictionary.com Self- Motivation is the "initiative to undertake or continue a task or activity without another's supervision."  I think that this is the most important motivation there is.  Without ourselves to push our own mind, who else will do it? The answer is no one.  Yes there will be support groups, family, friends and others around you who will help to motivate you.  But at the end of the day you are the only one who will truly be able to motivate yourself towards your goals and accomplishing them.  Whether it is studying, saving up for something, working out, going to work, anything really you are the only one who is in control of your motivation.  So SMILE today is your day to be motivated!

#motivationmindset #motivationmonday #motivation #smile #selfmotivation #goals 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Goals vs. Dreams

 All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney

Goals and dreams.  They are the same right?  No, both are different in some way and it may help explain how your mindset is in constructing in completing those tasks that we have set.  This sounds cheesy to say but Time Management Ninja quoted that "Dreams occupy your mind. Goals take over your reality." This phrase is so true, because often times people set up a hope to accomplish something either with no way of achieving it or no plan on how to get there.  I am not saying dreams are not a bad thing to have, because I have many dreams.  However I know they are dreams because they are very far out there, not saying I might not accomplish them one day, but I do have many goals that are far out there, that I can definitely attain.  So the "10 Differences Between Goals and Dreams" according to Time Management Ninja are...

1. Goals are something you are acting on. Dreams are something you are just thinking about. 
2. Goals have deadlines. Dreams are just, well, dreams. 
3. Dreams are free. Goals have a cost.
4. Goals produce results. Dreams don’t.
5. Goals have a finish line. Dreams never have to end.
6. Dreams can inspire you. Goals can change your life.
7. Dreams are imaginary. Goals are based in reality. 
8. Goals must have focus. Dreams don’t. 
9. Goals require hard work. Dreams just require your imagination.
10. Dreams stretch your imagination. Goals stretch you.

Now please don't get it confused that I am saying dreams are bad, all I am trying to get across is the difference between goals and dreams.  Many people don't understand the difference and I think with this perspective it can help you focus on what is truly important in your mindset to motivation towards what you want to accomplish in life. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #goals #dreams #workhard #college #positivity 

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. – David Rockefeller

Stress...Its an emotion that everyone hates.  Its something that can consume our thoughts and actions in a normal day.  Relating to my last blog, on the subject of midterms coming up, I also looked up ways to reduce stress levels.  It is different than taking on the big project task, but it still relates how to get through a hard time.  Because I mean sometimes I get stressed instead of staying focused on my goals and motivation, the stress consumes me.  So the "10 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress" is...

1. Listen to music.
2. Call a friend.
3. Talk yourself through it
4. Eat right.
5. Laugh it off.
6.Try tea.
7. Be mindful.
8. Exercise.
9. Sleep better.
10. Breathe easier.

With these ways to reduce stress it could help you stay focused and allow you to not let the little things get in your way of accomplishing your goals.  Motivation is a key player, don't let it get taken over by stress, because you can conquer anything you set your mind to!

#motivationmindset #motivation #stress #relax #stresslesssaturday #goals #midterms 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Every Marathon starts with planning, training...and one step

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. – Napoleon Hill

 Midterms are coming up for me next week and personally, I feel so overwhelmed with so many big tasks and assignments, I don't even know where to start.  I don't want stress to overtake my thoughts in my head because I know I can succeed if I put my mind to doing well.  However, do you just come across tasks, that you just don't know how to get started on?  Well, if you have never felt like that before, you its overwhelming! There was this article that came up on Entrepreneurs website that mentioned "6 Steps to Conquering Those Big Projects that Drive You Nuts," of course I read it because I feel the same way right now and need some motivation to get through all of my work. So the ways to crack those nuts and hustle to the finish line are...

1. Remember why your doing this to yourself.
2. Settle down, it will get worse.
3. Shut out all necessary distractions.
4. Every marathon starts with planning, training...and one step.
5. Meet your new best friend...discipline.
6. Find your own secret ingredient.

They are straight forward ways to help you push to get those overwhelming tasks completed.  By the end of the project you feel so overcome with relief that all you can do is pat yourself on the back.  So remember to keep going and don't get distracted by things that seem so huge you can't get started with.  You can do anything you set your mind to, these are just helpful ways to stay motivated!!

#motivationmindset #motivation #midterms #college #entrepreneurs 

Pedagogy vs. Andragogy

The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it. – Debbi Fields

My sociology teacher recently used the word "pedagogy" and I had no idea what that word had meant, so I looked it up in the Merriam dictionary, finding out that it is a word used to describe "the art, science or precession of teaching."  With this new word, I looked up different articles about the subject of pedagogy in our nation.  There are actually two opposite sides of this term.  Andragogy and pedagogy. This chart explains both words so perfectly.  In my thoughts the two terms seem to match up perfectly.  I personally would describe myself as an andragogical person because I am a self-motivated person.  I think which ever category you place your self under you should be able to succeed the best under and work with opportunities that only allow you to grow in school to become the best.  Motivation to do well in school will come from factors that you, yourself can only gauge.  So be proactive and accomplish goals you set.  Anything is possible!

#motivationmindset #motivation #pedagogy #andragogy #education #college #goals

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Have You Started to Save for Retirement?

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up for a life you don't need to escape from. -Seth Godin

Okay I know that this is a really odd question for me to ask even myself.  I am only twenty years old, of course I haven't started saving for retirement, I'm just trying to save for my next vacation with my friends.  However, I did read an article the other day and it said that "if you put away $3,000 for 10 years from the age of 25-35, then stopped after 35, by the time you reached the age of 65, you would have $472,000(8%annual return rate).  But if you didn't start saving until the age of 35, you would have to keep saving $3,000 a year until 65, you would still only end up with $367,000(8%annual return rate)."  WOW, is my first thought! I want to have enough money by the time I retire to do the things I want and enjoy myself after all my hard years of working.  I know this is a far out concept, but if you start thinking about the future now, you won't have to stress about it later when it sneaks up on you.  For me I definitely want to have a career and lifestyle that will allow me to be able to save money for not only the things in life that I work hard to get, but for my future family not having to worry about the struggle.

#motivationmindset #motivation #retirement #college #workhard #humpday 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Growth Mindset

I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big. – Donald Trump
Growth vs. fixed mindset is something that is very important to realize the difference between the two.  Growth mindset, as the one pictured below shows that people with that mindset "Leads to a desire to learn," whereas the fixed mindset "Leads to a desire to look smart."  The growth mindset accepts failures, which are a huge part of life, while the fixed mindset doesn't accept failure and looks at situations like they can't be changed no matter what.  I think it is very important that everyone stays in a growth mindset because if not, how will we ever grow and learn new things?  I always push myself to learn something new everyday, yes I am in school so obviously I will learn something new, but I push myself to understand a new concept, incorporating it in my life for the future.  Without having an understanding that its okay to fail sometimes, people can become way to hard on themselves over any little incident that happens, that doesn't go the way they plan it to.  However if your in the growth mindset you will understand that not everything can be perfect.  Growing and learning off of the mistakes and lessons you learned is life.  Its like a flower, in order to reach the sun for light you have to grow.  I encourage everyone to push themselves to have a mindset that will allow you to grow, reach the sun and take hold of the lessons you learn, you never know what you could encounter!

#motivationmindset #motivation #growth #goals #pushyourself 

Monday, October 13, 2014

What Will You Create to Make the World Awesome??

"What if Michael Jordan had quit?" -Kid President 

"Keep going, keep going," as said by the famous Kid President on YouTube.  I watched this video this morning and all I could do was smile the whole time!  "A Pep Talk from Kid President" has over 30 million views on YouTube, by one single kid who helps encourage not only kids to stay motivated towards their goals, but adults also.  This video not only makes me smile every time I watch it, but it also makes me think, "wow I can accomplish my goals," because of the simple fact that I want to create something that the world will remember me by.  I encourage everyone to watch this video because, hey we all need a little pep talk sometimes, even if it is from someone a lot younger than us.  Stay motivated towards your goals of finishing college, pursuing your dream career, or even saying up for your next car.  The mindset you put yourself in determines ways you can capture the motivation needed to accomplish those goals! "Your gooder than that," as said by Kid President himself.

#motivationmindset #motivationmonday #kidpresident #smile #goodday 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

For-Profit Schools...

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin

My sociology teacher recently gave us an assignment where we watched a video on for-profit school and let me tell you, I was shocked with what I watched.  I have had personal experience with for-profit school myself like, the University of Phoenix and Grand Canyon University, but never did I think that the schools went to the extent that this movie portrayed.  It was a horrible thing to watch because students in the movie would be lured into these for-profit schools trying to attain a degree, yet they would come out with thousands, if not hundreds of thousands dollars worth of debt, to find out essentially their degree is worthless to most.  So after watching this movie I did some research and I found out that the average debt a for-profit student has after graduation is $40,000 according to the Institute for College Access and Success.  As compared to  $29,000 that the statistics showed for University graduates.  Also according to the College Boards Trends in College Pricing found that tuition was on average at a cost of $15,130 for the for-profit schools, $3,264 for community college and $8,893 for Universities.  This doesn't make sense to me because these for-profit schools are supposed to offer a fast and cost effective way to obtain a degree.  The rest of the article showed the 3 Facts for Students to Know About For-Profit Schools and they are as followed...

1. For-profits are expensive.
2. For-profits graduates often find an even harder time attaining a job after graduates, than that of normal University graduates.
3. For-profit students borrows default on their loans at higher rates.

This is literally the tip of the ice berg when it comes to the for-profit schools scheme to make an obvious "profit" and scam students.  So my advice is always do your research before you make and hasty decisions regrading your education future and you will end up on the right path. 

#motivationmindset #motivation #forprofitschools #college #success #debtcrisis