Friday, October 3, 2014

12 Motivation Strategies!!

Please think about your legacy, because you’re writing it every day. – Gary Vaynerchuck

So you might find yourself questioning what are some strategies that can help me have the mindset to motivation? Well I am a huge reader of digging deep and finding articles online about different methods, as you can tell by this blog! So I found this article that list "12 Strategies for Motivation." It is not from any CEO or successful entrepreneur, its actually from Allegheny College website under "Dean of Students."  So hearing from students themselves what motivates them is truly inspiring and relatable because I share the same lifestyle as they do on a day-to-day basis.  

1. Set goals.
2. Establish rewards for your hard work.
3. Don't give up.
4. Positive thinking.
5. Seek support.
6. Learn to say no to things that have no attribution towards your goals.
7. Establish discipline.
8. Use positive imagery.
9. Reflect on why you may have not accomplished your goals in the past.
10. Read motivational quotes.
11. Advise medical help, if you have depression or a mental illness.
12. Practice self care!

I think personally all of these strategies are very effective in helping you narrow down how to successfully motivate yourself because in reality we all need a little guidance on how. Learning what you want your goal to be, is something that is different for everyone and once you truly know what you want, you will have no problem in thinking these strategies everyday!

#motivationmindset #motivation #TGIF #goals #workhard 

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