Sunday, October 5, 2014

Procrastination Hits Hard...

Look well to this day. Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. – Francis Gray

As I am sitting here writing this blog, I am procrastinating on my homework that is due by tonight at midnight.  Most of us place priorities in which the order they have a deadline to meet.  So if something is due a week from now, realistically we won't start it until a couple days before, or even sometimes wait till the day before.  It is human nature for us to place things in order of importance and for some the problem of procrastination can become very bad for their college life, carrying into their career and future life.  Without learning the discipline that deadlines holds, procrastination just seems like an easy way out for most to prolong something they don't want to do.  However, if you have a mindset that allows you to have the motivation to be active and not to procrastinate, you will soon find that you won't be stressing at the last minute to get something turned in.  On they had an article that lists three reasons to help you overcome procrastination...

1. Break goals into manageable chunks.
2. Establish "now" deadlines.
3. Turn abstract ideas into concrete action steps.

With these three ways to end procrastination, it should help you have the motivation everyday to accomplish goals that might not be tomorrow based, but ones that if you get done without procrastination can make you life a lot more easier.  Tomorrow may seem easy to say, however how many tomorrows do you really have to start accomplishing goals for yourself before its to late to actually get started? 

#motivationmindset #motivation #procrastination #goals #notomorrows #setyourgoalssunday 

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