Saturday, October 11, 2014

Is College Worth It?

In Apr. 2013 the unemployment rate for college graduates over 25 years old was 3.6% compared to 7.5% for high school graduates.

When I think of reasons for doing something I normally make a pro and con list.  There was this great article I found that made a list of pros and cons of attaining a college degree.  Now for myself I have outweighed the cons and my thoughts are focused on the pros, but I thought I would show a list for everyone to see both sides. I'm only going to name the top five in my opinion, because there was a long list...
1. College graduates make more money.
2. More and more jobs require a college education.
3. College graduates, often have more retirement and healthcare plans.
4. College graduates live longer and are healthier. 
5. College exposes students to diverse people and ideas.

1. Students loan debts are staggering.
2. Many people succeed without college degrees.
3. College degrees sometimes don't prepare a person for a job.
4. To many people attaining bachelor degrees, has dulled the value of the degree. 
5. A college degree does not always guarantee someone of health benefits.

Now you may ask why put the cons, this blog is supposed to be reasons to be motivated towards higher education.  However if I didn't put both sides of the thought, you would already make a list yourself.  I like seeing topics from both sides and I think that this article really showed both sides on a non bias approach.  So whether you see it from the pro or con side, I just encourage you to see it from both sides. Life is risky, so don't worry, everything happens for a reason, stay motivated towards your goals and they will happen.  Work hard!

#motivationmindset #motivation #college #pro #con #goals #success 

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