Saturday, October 11, 2014

New Jobs Are Hard

                          Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. – Unknown

Have you ever started a new job and you just feel so lost?  Well I can say that I have definitely felt overwhelmed in a new job setting.  Even a new position in the same job setting, its a very difficult experience when you start something new that has to do with work related affairs.  So with the thought of motivation always in the back of my mind I realized that during and after college a lot of us will have this awkward experience.  I thought that this directly relates to not only a work environment, but in everyday life also.  We all get a little nervous when we have to do something for the first time, however instead of thinking in that mindset, why not be positive and confident! There was an article that listed 5 Ways to Stand Out in Your New Job and I thought perfect! With these five ways you can use the mindset to be confident and make an impression to your new coworkers...

1. Believe in yourself.
2. Dont let adversity stand in the way, give it your best shot.
3. Stay cool when under stress.
4. Communicate openly. 
5. Master the influence you can hold and persuasion.

With the five key points listed in the article, before you know it you will be so comfortable with your new work setting, you will consider it like your second home!

#motivationmindset #motivation #newjob #confidence #mindset #goals

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