Saturday, October 4, 2014

Is it Possible to Work and Attend College?

To succeed… You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. – Tony Dorsett

The question most people contemplate when going to college.  They just don't give themselves enough credit that they actually can do both.  I myself work full-time and am taking 5 classes this semester.  I still have a social life with my friends/ family, I am getting A's in my classes and enjoy my life everyday.  I wouldn't change what I do for anything, life as I know it would become boring and meaningless if I didn't have school and work in my life.  An article I found titled "Five Reasons to Work While Going to College" explained motivations on why you should actually work and go to college. Reasons to go to college and work at the same time was...

1. Working in college can help avoid debt.
2. Working in college can provide valuable job experience.
3. Working in college helps you balance time management.
4. Working in college can help improve grades.
5. Working in college can provide employee benefits. 

I can relate to every one of these reasons and believe strongly that the reason I am so motivated in life is because of a constant push I get from both of these strong entities in my life. Without having a push in life I feel like most of us can become complacent with where we are at in life. I think that getting an education is the most important thing that a young person can achieve and it can only lead to good things for the future.  Without getting an education in this day and age people stand little to no chance in attaining a high powered job title, which leads to the conclusion that without pushing yourself to balance work and college at the same time, you might not ever know how to successfully balance multiple challenging things at once. Get that bachelors or masters degree your goals are set on and work hard everyday, soon enough those long and sleepless nights will pay off.

#motivationmindset #motivation #workhard #collegelife #dedication #pushyourself

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