Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Goals vs. Objectives

Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. ~Anonymous

"Goals are changing mindset and direction. Objectives are establishing a series of concrete steps." I think this is a common misconception of two different directions people could be headed in.  For me I have goals and objectives.  Objectives for me change over time because life happens, which means things may not always happen the way you plan out for them to be.  This is where my goals come into play because when my objectives get scattered, I go to my goals I have set and rethink my objectives for a certain situation.  I think both of these can help us achieve where we want to be in a few months, years or even decades.  With these two attainable prospects we can have the mindset to succeed and attain the things we set out for! 



DefinitionSomething which you try to achieveA specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources.
Time FrameUsually long-term.A series of smaller steps, often along the way to achieving a long-term goal.
MagnitudeTypically involves life changing outcomes, like retiring, buying a home or making a major career change.Usually a near-term target of a larger expected outcome, such as passing a course as part of completing a degree program.
Outcome of immediate actionActions tend to advance progress in a very general sense; there is often awareness that there are several ways to reach a goal, so specific outcomes aren’t necessary.Very specific and measurable, a target is established and victory is declared only when the target is hit.
Purpose of actionA goal if often characterized as a change of direction that will ultimately lead to a desired outcome.Objectives tend to be actions aimed at accomplishing a certain task.
Example“I want to retire by age 50”“In order to reach my goal of retiring at age 50, I need to save $20,000 by the end of this year”
HierarchyGoals tend to control objectives; a change in a goal could eliminate one or more objectives, or add new ones.An objective can modify a goal, but will seldom change it in a fundamental way, even if the objective isn’t reached.

#motivationmindset #motivation #goals #objectives #humpday #workhard #positivity 

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